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Custom Elements API


This method accepts the same argument as defineComponent, but instead returns a native Custom Element class constructor.

  • Type

    function defineCustomElement(
        | (ComponentOptions & CustomElementsOptions)
        | ComponentOptions['setup'],
      options?: CustomElementsOptions
    ): {
      new (props?: object): HTMLElement
    interface CustomElementsOptions {
      styles?: string[]
      // the following options are 3.5+
      configureApp?: (app: App) => void
      shadowRoot?: boolean
      nonce?: string

    Type is simplified for readability.

  • Details

    In addition to normal component options, defineCustomElement() also supports a number of options that are custom-elements-specific:

    • styles: an array of inlined CSS strings for providing CSS that should be injected into the element's shadow root.

    • configureApp : a function that can be used to configure the Vue app instance for the custom element.

    • shadowRoot : boolean, defaults to true. Set to false to render the custom element without a shadow root. This means <style> in custom element SFCs will no longer be encapsulated.

    • nonce : string, if provided, will be set as the nonce attribute on style tags injected to the shadow root.

    Note that instead of being passed as part of the component itself, these options can also be passed via a second argument:

    import Element from './MyElement.ce.vue'
    defineCustomElement(Element, {
      configureApp(app) {
        // ...

    The return value is a custom element constructor that can be registered using customElements.define().

  • Example

    import { defineCustomElement } from 'vue'
    const MyVueElement = defineCustomElement({
      /* component options */
    // Register the custom element.
    customElements.define('my-vue-element', MyVueElement)
  • See also


A Composition API helper that returns the host element of the current Vue custom element.


A Composition API helper that returns the shadow root of the current Vue custom element.


An Options API property that exposes the host element of the current Vue custom element.

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